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Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
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Preschool 1 Room

2.6 Years to Approx 3.5 Years

Within the Preschool 1 room, the children are generally interested in joining in with others. It is important that they are given access to a wide range of activities that will give them the opportunity to learn how to interact with other children and begin to develop skills such as sharing and being kind to others

Childrens independence is growing more and more and they are becoming more eager and confident in doing things for themselves. We endeavour to nurture this by providing the opportunities for them to extend their independence, some of the ways in which we do this is by having their own pegs with their photos on which provides them with a sense of belonging, having a drink station where children can freely pour themselves a drink and encouraging the children to 'have a go' first. This supports the children's needs in their quest to a newfound freedom.

Play is essential for childrens development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, relate to others, set their own goals and solve problems. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play guided by adults.

Practitioners stimulate childrens interests responding to each child's emerging needs and guiding their development by warm positive interactions, coupled with secure routines for play and learning.

In planning and guiding what children learn, we reflect on the different rates at what children are developing and adjust our practice and activities appropriately. All of the activities and experiences provided for the children are based and drawn up from childrens interests, next steps and home learning, in which is linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage.

We share information with you via Tapestry, an online journal that records all the learning and fun of your child’s early education. Each child’s development and personal interests are recorded in their Learning Journal using observations, photos and videos from nursery. We record special moments and keep you and any person you authorise, involved in a partnership with us as your child blossoms and grows. Parents are able to view and comment on these special moments, and are able to contribute their own stories of the child’s life outside of nursery.

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